Enroll Network Segments

In order to provide access to a reservable networked device, we use network segment concept in Blazar. A reservable network segment corresponds to a reservable VLAN id in Neutron. Blazar creates a VLAN network in Neutron and the switch once a reservation of that network segment starts.

Our forked version of Blazar, adds a new functionallity. In EXPECA Blazar, you can specify a subnet and statically addressed baremetal ports on this network.

In the case where you want to have a router interface attached to this network, a gateway ip is necessary. Specify that as another extra parameter i.e. --extra segment_gateway="".

NOTE: the internal interface of the controller must be connected to the tenant-switch on a trunk port where it has access to all VLANs. This way, all VLANs are exposed to the Neutron's routers.

Delete a Network Segment

Unfortunatly Openstack CLI does not support the functionality of deleting a reservable network segment. In order to do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure the segment has no reservations. Delete if there is any.

  2. List the network segments with their ids. Write down the id of the segment you like to delete (e.g. 442e3b5f-3efb-4b53-8caf-32cb704066ac).

    (venv) expeca@controller-01:/opt/chi-in-a-box$ openstack reservation network list
  3. Write down the database_password from Openstack passwords as well (e.g. password).

    (venv) expeca@controller-01:/opt/chi-in-a-box$ ./cc-ansible --site /opt/site-config edit_passwords
  4. Pass the password and network id you like to delete to the delete_network_blazar.sh script in reservables folder to delete it from the database.

    ./delete_network_blazar.sh password 442e3b5f-3efb-4b53-8caf-32cb704066ac

List the network segments again, it should not be there.

Last updated