Software-Defined Radios

Reserve an SDR

On Horizon (Openstack's web interface)

  • Go to "Reservations"->"Leases"->"Create Lease".

  • Choose a name for your lease.

  • Choose the starting date, end data, and/or lease duration.

  • Go to "Networks" tab, select "Reserve Network".

  • Choose a proper "Network Name".

  • From "Resource Properties" drop down lists, choose your "vlan_id".

  • Press "Create" on the last tab.

  • Wait on the "Reservations"->"Leases" page, until the lease status turns "ACTIVE" from "PENDING".

Now if you check the networks in "Network"->"Networks", you should find a new network with the name you chose.

Write down "Segmentation ID" from the network's page. This is the VLAN id on the tenant switch. Check that a new VLAN is created on the tenant switch and the SDR's interface is an UNTAGGED members of the VLAN.

In this example, VLAN ID is 102 and the SDR's port is te1/0/29:

ssh expeca@
switchf789d1#show vlan
Created by: D-Default, S-Static, G-GVRP, R-Radius Assigned VLAN, V-Voice VLAN

Vlan       Name           Tagged Ports      UnTagged Ports      Created by    
---- ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ ----------------                        
102         102         te1/0/1,te1/0/50      te1/0/29              S

Hello World Test

On Horizon (Openstack's web interface)

  • Create a new container with the image praqma/network-multitool.

  • Attach the SDR's RJ45 network to this container.

  • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

  • Go to "Scheduler Hints" tab, create a custom "Scheduler Hint" with the name "reservation" and set its value to the reservation id of your worker lease.

  • Press "Create" and wait on "Container"->"Containers" page for the created container to turn into "Running" state.

On the tenant switch, check that the chosen interface and the SDR's interface are both UNTAGGED members of the VLAN. In this example, worker's port is te1/0/32:

ssh expeca@
switchf789d1#show vlan
Created by: D-Default, S-Static, G-GVRP, R-Radius Assigned VLAN, V-Voice VLAN

Vlan       Name           Tagged Ports      UnTagged Ports      Created by    
---- ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ ----------------                        
102         102         te1/0/1,te1/0/50  te1/0/29,te1/0/32         S

On the console page of the container, you should be able to ping the SDR's interface.

Reboot Test

  • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

  • Select the sdr network to be attached to the container.

  • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

  • Set the env variables: SERVICE=reboot,SDR=sdr-02,JSON_PATH=sdrs.json

In the logs you have to observe these:

You have chosen sdr-02
sdr-02 is reachable: {'mango': {'ip': '', 'port': '22', 'tenant-port': 'te1/0/29', 'up': False}, 'ni': {'ip': '', 'port': '22', 'tenant-port': 'te2/0/14', 'up': True}}
SSHing to, username:root, password: 
running command on 
/sbin/reboot > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Waiting 200 seconds for the sdr to load
10 seconds to the next poll...
10 seconds to the next poll...
10 seconds to the next poll...
sdr-02 ni is up.

WiFi Test

In order to test WiFi end-to-end networking, you must reserve one worker with at least two 1Gbps interfaces and two software-defined radios (only rj45 ports suffice).

We create the following network:

  sdr-02(AP)           sdr-09(STA)     || <------>
  • Change the SDRs designs to Mango. Run the following sequence twice, once for sdr-02 and again for sdr-09:

    • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

    • Select sdr-0x-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

    • Set the env variables: SERVICE=change_design,DESIGN=mango,SDR=sdr-0x,JSON_PATH=sdrs.json.

  • Run sdr-02 as the WiFi access point:

    • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

    • Select sdr-02-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

    • Set the env variables: SERVICE=start_mango,DESIGN=mango,SDR=sdr-02,SIDE=ap,CONFIG={"mac_addr":"40:d8:55:04:20:12"},JSON_PATH=sdrs.json.

If everything goes well, you should see the following output in the AP sdr logs:

sdr-02 mango is running ap with ip
  • Run sdr-09 as the WiFi station:

    • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

    • Select sdr-09-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

    • Set the env variables: SERVICE=start_mango,DESIGN=mango,SDR=sdr-09,SIDE=sta,CONFIG={"mac_addr":"40:d8:55:04:20:19"},JSON_PATH=sdrs.json.

If you see the following in the STA sdr, it means that the connection has been established:

command stdout:
sdr-09 mango is running sta with ip
  • Check the connection quality: For the station side use sdr-09 and SIDE=sta, for the access point side use sdr-02 and SIDE=ap:

    • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

    • Select sdr-09-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

    • Set the env variables: SERVICE=check_mango,SDR=sdr-09,SIDE=sta,JSON_PATH=./sdrs.json,SPEED_CHECK=

You will get information like bandwidth, frequency and an iperf speed test.

End-to-End WiFi Test

We create the following network:

   worker-01(eno12429)                                               worker-01(eno12399)
         server              sdr-02(AP)          sdr-09(STA)               client <-------->     ||  <-------->

Continue the privious test with configuring the routing tables on the SDRs:

  • Run AP wifi routing configs on sdr-02:

    • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

    • Select sdr-02-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

    • Set the env variables:

  • Run STA wifi routing configs on sdr-09:

    • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

    • Select sdr-02-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12399,networks.1.ip=

    • Set the env variables:

  • Run IRTT Server

    • Create a new container with the image nuriafe99/irtt-server.

    • Select sdr-02-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12429,networks.1.ip=

  • Run IRTT Client

    • Create a new container with the image samiemostafavi/sdr-tools.

    • Select sdr-09-rj45 network to be attached to the container.

    • Set the labels: networks.1.interface=eno12399,networks.1.ip=

Open the client's console and run the following command:

irtt client -i 10ms -d 100s -l 172 --fill=rand --local=

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