Baremetal servers are required to have an IPMI interface. Follow instructions here for iDRAC to enable IPMI over LAN for Dell servers. Make sure you set them to administrator mode.
Verify IPMI is enabled in administrator mode.
$ ssh expeca@
racadm>>racadm get iDRAC.IPMILan.Enable
racadm>>racadm get iDRAC.IPMILan.PrivLimit
Enable PXE on a network interface
On the Baremetal nodes, at least one of the registered network interfaces (those interfaces that are mentioned during the enrollment) must be PXE capable and connected to the tenants switch. PXE capabality of a network intrerface should be enabled from BIOS settings. This interface gets an IP from ironic provisioning network during the netboot.
Sometimes due to an error, IPMI gets locked. Clean all reservations and baremetal nodes from Openstack and reset the server's IPMI
ssh expeca@
racadm>>racadm racreset soft
RAC reset operation initiated successfully. It may take a few
minutes for the RAC to come online again.
Make sure you delete the node.
openstack baremetal node list
openstack baremetal node delete
Reset iDRAC and when it shows up in openstack baremetal node list delete it again.
Power on all the devices.
$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H -L ADMINISTRATOR -U expeca -R 12 -N 5 -P expeca chassis power status
$ ipmitool -H -U expeca -I lanplus -P expeca chassis power cycle
Set Chassis Power Control to Cycle failed: Command not supported in present state
$ ipmitool -H -U expeca -I lanplus -P expeca chassis power on
Chassis Power Control: Up/On
$ ipmitool -H -U expeca -I lanplus -P expeca sol info
Enable Console
Make sure the ipmitool-shellinabox console interface is enabled, for example: